Thursday, April 10, 2008

Parents and their Children

  • Luke and Tracy argue about Claudia, in front of, Claudia. Tracy said imagine that child lying in the hospital bed is Lulu not Michael.
  • Carly reminded Jason he survived and knows that Michael can too.
  • Alexis and Diane have drinks and confer over the recent events.
  • Mike visits Michael in the hospital.
  • Kate tries to convince Sonny to go back to the hospital to be with his son. He believes he needs to do what's right by his son, but isn't sure anymore what right is!
  • Claudia speaks using humor in the background, while Tracy and Luke ignore her and continue their discussion. Tracy told Claudia she is nothing more than a bug on her shoe. Lulu walked in as Tracy informed Claudia that the only important one is Lulu. Lulu tells Claudia that Sonny believed her when she told him Johnny had nothing to do with Michael getting shot [or so she thinks].
  • Alexis and Diane drink heavily while commiserating. Alexis said she wants them [women]to be in control for once. Diane told Alexis they should by a Harley. Stumbling out of the bar they agree to split a cab. Patrick ran into them and said Carly believed Michael is going to be fine, but he can't promise that.
  • Carly begs Jason not to give up on Michael. Jason distraught is unable to respond to her pleas.
  • Sonny explained to Kate how he fought to be Michael's father. Telling stories of Michael as baby and small child he relived the first time Michael called him Dad. In that moment Sonny realized what it meant to be a father. The doorbell rings... Mike enters to lecture Sonny for not being at the hospital. Kate defended Sonny and ordered an apology or demanded he leave.
  • Nikolas and Nadine play with an elaborate train set up with Spencer of course.
  • Lulu told Tracy it's no ones business who she dates. Luke agreed. Luke reviewed what dating was, but said working out a truce between families is not dating thats stupidity. She put herself right in the middle of a mob war. Lulu and Luke argue about her actions.
  • Carly continued to talk with Michael about waking up, talking to him about physical therapy and setting up the room to be like home. In detail she reviewed how nice the room could be while he stayed in the hospital during his recovery.
  • Jason tells Carly he needs to go to rehab and tell Monica what happened. Carly blamed herself for Michael's injury. She said it was her decisions that landed Michael where he was. Jason said he made choices too. He left her watching over Michael.
  • Mike told Sonny not to make the same mistake he did. He cautioned him and urged him to go fight for his child.
  • While Nadine and Spencer play with the trains, Nikolas see's Emily. He sends Nadine away abruptly and Spencer is sent off with his Nanny. Nadine inquired if Emily was there. She thanked him for a good time. Nikolas encouraged her to leave quickly. He embraced Emily.
  • A drunken Patrick called Robin to ask if she needed a father for her child. She wasn't amused. So he offered to bring over ice creams or ribs. She declined. In return she asked if he needed anything. In reply, Patrick said YES and then hung up. Claudia arrived at the bar to pay for the next round [oh no here we go again].
  • Carly continued talking with Michael, as Sonny and Kate arrived to visit Michael. Carly gave them a report. Sonny asked for some time with Michael. Carly said only him not Kate. Sonny convinced her to let Kate stay. Kate followed Carly out of the room to explain Sonny needed her, so she needed to be there for him. Carly stomped off.
  • Patrick inquires if Claudia has a relationship with her father? They discuss Robin's choice to have a baby with HIV. [How is this any of Claudia's business? How did they get close enough to discuss this information?] Claudia told Patrick that Robin set him up. Robin arrived at the knick of time.
  • Jason visited Monica in rehab. Stunned to see him she was pleasantly surprised. She reported it was one day at a time. They discuss Alan and Emily passing. Jason stumbling to inform her, but got out the words. She asked medical questions, she wanted all the information about what happened. Jason finally broke down. He told her he didn't believe Michael was going to wake up. They held each other for comfort. [This scene was so moving you just had to shed a tear yourself].
  • Back in the hospital room, Kate tells Sonny to talk with Michael. Sonny expressed his love to Michael. He said he will never leave Michael, because he is his father. Alexis arrived with a Detective. Sonny said he is getting better. Begrudging he agreed to meet with them outside and give his statement. Sonny recapped his account of what happened that night. Carly heard Sonny say he grabbed Kate out of the line of fire. She called him a Bastard for protecting Kate instead of his own son.

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