Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Importance of Being a Dad!

  • Devlin told Jerry Sonny should be an easy shot. Jerry gave him the gun he would need to make the hit.

  • Johnny bursted into the room wondering why Sonny has died yet, Claudia said its covered all you need is an alibi.

  • Sonny believed everything was in order for his business meeting tonight. Kate stopped by to visit him. She invited him to dinner at the Metro court. Sonny took a raincheck; he wants to prove to Michael his business is not just a front and that he has a legimiate business that doesn't not just involve guns and violence.

  • Cluadia told Johnny to go and find someone place to hang out for a few hours. Johnny thinks she is ordering him around. She affirmed it was for his benefit. Then the two squabble playfully over Lulu.

  • Jerry and Devlin discuss Claudia. Devlin said Claudia has a great track record.

  • Sonny explained to Kate that usually he has four or five guards overlooking over everything, but he let them go because the inspector will be there. Kate asked to go with him. Sonny explained it will be a long time and very boring. She said she will bring Michael to keep her company he will probably find the whole process very interesting.

  • Carly took away all games from Michael that have to do with guns.

  • Elizabeth was in Jason's place waiting for him, when he arrived home. They embraced. He gave positive reports about his hands. They kissed. [Mush Mush].

  • Kate said why not show Michael what the coffee business is all about. Sonny said that's not quality time with his son. After a lot more discussion, Sonny agreed. Kate offered to pick him up and meet him there.

  • Carly discovered that Kate wanted to convert the entire third floor of the hotel, she put her foot down. She wasn't very nice about it. Jax walked in and disagreed with her position.

  • Jason and Elizabeth talk about Jake. She said he looks more like his daddy every day. Jason said he is thinking about him and her more every day and since there is a truths with the Zacchara family.. just as her phone rings. Elizabeth had to run back to the hospital.

  • Clauida arrvied at the Haunted Star and informed Luke she planned on taking an active role in the casino. He said she should revise her plan. Claudia said her brother has a thing for Lulu and that could be a problem.

  • Jax and Carly argue very loudly in the hotel lobby about Kate and the magazine.

  • Sonny called and invited Michael to the warehouse to help unload a shipment. He jumped at the chance.

  • A trauma is being rushed to the hospital a small boy. [You know from time to time the show throws in a random story - today this is the story].

  • Jason arrived at the office. Sonny told Jason everything went fine when he wasn't tripping over Spinelli every five minutes.

  • Luke informed Claudia that he is nuetral when it comes to Lulu's life. Claudia said that John's situation is complicated and dangerous. Luke said don't even think of threatening his kid. Luke returned the threat and said if anything happened to his daughter Johnny is dead. He has no problem taking the money, but if anything happens to Lulu he has no problem killing either.

  • Jason said he wants more security and they need to hire more men. Sonny said no, he doesn't want Michael to see him surrounded by men. Jason said are you thinking about getting out of the business. Sonny said that's not an option, but he is making adjustments to give the people he loves a better life.

  • Kate has arrived at the hotel to sign the lease. Jax reviews it to make sure its what they to, as she goes to sign it, Maxi called about business deal that needs attending to tonight.

  • Jason arrived back at home to find Spinelli playing pool. Spinelli inquired about his hands. Jason gave positive reports and the grasshopper was happy. They discussed how it was the Elizabeth knew when Jason would be arriving home and got access to the apartment. Jason said he wasn't mad at him and thanked him for making those arrangements.

  • Back at the hospital we see an unknown doctor give a report to the anxious father awaiting word on his child. Elizabeth watched as the father leaned over, weaping over his child and confessing his love for the boy.

  • Johnny and Claudia argue once again about Sonny. He accused her of hiding something, and wanted to know if Claudia has feelings for him. Johnny said if you like him we'll let him live. Claudia said she had every reason to want Sonny dead. She can't forgive him for what he did to Johnny keeping him locked up. They angonized over the past and their father. The two really are beginning to bond as brother and sister. [It's almost like by killing Sonny they are taking out feelings for their father on him].

  • Jason explained to Spinelli he had a lot of time to think about Jake. Spinelli is brightened by the news that Jason missed his child. Jason said he didn't want to miss Jake anymore. Spinelli inquired if he wants to now claim Jake as his own.

  • At the hosptial both Elizabeth and Robin realize how important a father is to a child. They discuss the difference between doing it by themselves versus including their fathers. They both stand quietly thinking to themselves about Patrick and Jason.

  • Claudia told Johnny how hard it was for to leave him behind when she left. He understood. They reviewed the back story of their lives. Claudia said when people under estimate you they are easier to take down and that's why she went after Sonny. In telling the story Claudia was crying over Sonny treating her like a whore. Johnny expressed his hate for Sonny. Trevor interrupted them and said we need to eliminate them. Johnny said we have a truths with him. Trevor said we need to strike. Johnny said the situation seems fine. He then turned it about Claudia being a negative influence on him. Trevor said they should be way more concerned about Sonny.

  • Jax is taking Kate's meeting. As he explained this to Carly she wanted to know what was so important that Kate couldn't take this meeting herself.

  • Kate arrived to pick up Michael. He apologize about what happened.

  • Max and Milo pick up Sonny for the meeting. He instructed them to drop him off and leave. They were given the rest of the night off.

  • Devlin is setting up for the hit.

  • Kate told Michael he made a mistake.

  • Sonny told the guys Kate is bringing Michael tonight. He insisted no guards, it's important Michael see's for himself the business is more than just guns and violence.

  • Meanwhile you keep flashing back to Devlin preparing for the hit.

Tomorrow we probably have an entire hour of how someone is going to get shot and the shot won't get fired until the end of the show - that will be our cliffhanger Friday! ...

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