Saturday, February 23, 2008

Diego is back!

I heard the chatter that many fans thought the text message killer was Diego. We found out Friday, they were right!

Since Sam has told Lucky that she might just go on a cruise, she could vanish without anyone looking for her. We've seen this storyline before. Diego could torture Sam for as long as he wishes. I'm thinking he feels like he deserves some payback for her trying to kill him.

Diego being the text message killer explains why Kristina freaked out when she saw a shadowy figure outside the house. After all, she did she Diego get killed!

There are so many unanswered questions. I completely understand why Diego would hate Sam and even want to target her family. It makes sense he would go after Sonny and clan after they killed his father. But Georgie?

Diego really cared for Georgie. It doesn't make any sense that he would kill her. Let's say that she went to confront him. Obviously, he is alive and so she needs to tell the world. I guess he couldn't have that happen. It just seems so wrong that he killed, of all people, Georgie. Or did he?

Diego as the text message killer leaves us with the unanswered question why Coop's DNA was a match. I'm thinking Coop didn't kill himself, as suspected by Maxie. The DNA match is odd.

Here is something else to consider -- Jerry Jax has been taking orders, from what appeared to be a younger tattooed guy. Could it be Diego?

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