- Nikolas is at home and see's Emily. She is back, because of the experimental drug. She tells him the drug is illegal.
- Carly and Jax embrace in tears over the loss of their child.
- Sonny tells Jason that Johnny is out for blood not peace.
- Claudia and Johnny argue over Sonny. She tries to convince him not to kill Sonny.
- Sam admits she really did want to press charges about Elizabeth, and then she says she wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Lucky is impressed. He thinks Sam is generous. Elizabeth bites her tongue and says thank you. As Sam leaves, Lucky grabs her and thanks her. Elizabeth tells Lucky she is full of it (well basically says that).
- Monica is confused and accuses Elizabeth of releases her patient early. She is clearly drunk. Lucky watches her carefully depart from an embarrassing forgetful moment.
- Nikolas tells Emily he'll do anything to keep her. Emily tries to convince him to have the surgery. They argue over the drug.
- Carly becomes depressed. Jax does his best to tell her it's not her fault and comfort her. In thinking about what could have been with their little girl, they both break down again.
- Johnny reminds Claudia he is the head of the family. She reminds him he is the only reason he came back there. She doesn't want him in the middle of a mob war. Johnny is very clear he wants Sonny dead and he wants the world to know he did it.
- Meanwhile, Sonny is singing the same tune about Johnny. Jason tries to reason with him.
- Dr. Devlin tells Patrick all the things he'd be stuck with picking baby names, running out for late night cravings, picking out toys and he goes on and on about what Patrick is getting out of by staying away from Robin. Patrick simply looks disappointed and sad with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
- Jax is going on with Carly about how Michael should turn himself in again. He said he's not upset with Michael, but with Sonny.
- Patrick comes in to tell Carly he is going to run one more test and if everything is ok she can go home. Apparently he didn't read the chart. Carly told him she lost the baby. He apologized. After leaving the room he was pretty upset.
- Dr. Devlin and Nikolas chat at his home about the drugs he is giving Nikolas.
- Lucky catches Spinelli spying outside the hospital. They are both watching Monica outside the hospital. Spinelli pretends to hobble away. Lucky sits down with Monica. He is very good with her, telling her about his addiction. He knows she has an addiction, he can tell she's been drinking.
- Elizabeth visits Jason. She tells him she is pretty positive she did it. She tells Jason she needs to go to the Police Station to confess.
- Sonny comes over to see Johnny. Johnny gets ready to kill him. Claudia stops him. Sonny tells Johnny the story about when Michael disappeared he thought Johnny did it. Bottom line, Sonny says he's there to negotiate a truths.
- Devlin tries to tell Nikolas about the side affects that might happen, he doesn't listen. Devlin wants 10 million dollars for one year dosage. With some slight hesitance he agree's to it.
- Lucky tries to convince Monica to get help, or he will report her to the Chief of Staff. Lucky tries to be sincere and Monica doesn't take his help, or him seriously.
- Lucky stops Sam as she leaves the hospital. He wants to clear up some stuff with her.
- Jason and Elizabeth hash out the whole Sam confrontation. Elizabeth is feeling guilty thinking she did actually did hit Sam. Jason asks or a little more time to make sure it was her and not someone else. They kiss! AAAWWWW. Those two so love each other! By the way: Jason's surgery went very well allegedly.
- Sonny explains the terms of the cease fire. Johnny agrees to the terms even the ones about the Alcazar property, which turns Claudia's head. [It looks like Johnny is running the family because he is there. Claudia says she doesn't want to run the family, but it looks like she does at least as the second in charge. She does love her brother.]
- Spinelli reports to Jason about the hit and run. Spinelli is so funny telling Jason the benefits of YOGA. He even gives demonstrations. Jason is NO YOGA. NO YOGA. It's funny. Spinelli hands a paper to Jason and give conclusive evidence to who caused the hit and run.
- Patrick tells Elizabeth who hard it is watching Carly loose her baby, he was worried about Robin. He is honest with Elizabeth and telling her how he cares deeply about the baby.
- Sonny comes over and sends Morgan upstairs. Sonny talks to Michael about running away. He tells Michael that Kate's not pressing charges, but things need to change. In explaining to Michael why it was wrong for him to have a gun, Michael turns it around and says that's what you and Jason do for a living. Sonny tells him that he doesn't have to worry about that lifestyle anymore.
- Johnny tells Claudia to hire someone to kill Sonny. She knows a person, she's got it handled.
- Emily returns to Nikolas and tells him she doesn't like Devlin. Nikolas said he didn't care, he wanted the med's, it's worth the risk. She tells him this is going to catch up with him. He kisses her [now how does that work?].
- Devlin visits Claudia Zacharra. They are friends. She greets him with a kiss. She agrees to bring his large drug transport to Port Charles.
- Sonny tells Michael they will be safe again. Sonny feels good about the truths with Johnny, telling Michael he'll be able to take him to the park. Carly and Jax come home. Their mouths drop open when Michael announces that Dad's going to be around more.
- Lucky and Sam talk about Elizabeth again. They look googoly eyes at each other. Lucky says he can't stop thinking about her. He says he cares about her and misses her. He wants to try again. Sam says she needs to think about that one. Then promptly kisses him.
Elizabeth see's the embrace. - Monica is at home. Alice picked her up at the hospital, she offers to do that everyday. Monica asks to be alone. While alone she pours herself a drink. Jason arrives. He confronts her about hitting Sam. (And that folks was the cliff hanger -- wow. not that big of a deal, if you ask me).
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